Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lecture Method


Lecture is when an instructor is the central focus of information transfer. An instructor will stand before a class and present information for the students to learn.


  • Preparing the lecture

àChecking your own understanding

àPreparing lecture notes

àOrganizing the lecture

  • Presenting the lecture

àVarious techniques used to ensure continuous interaction between students and teacher

àEmphasize important ideas with different intonation

àUsing pauses that allow time for students to response to question

àEnunciate words carefully

àAvoid repetition of words

àEye contact with audiences

àInterject humour and signs of curiosity and interest

àKeep the flow of visual aids smooth and free from distraction

Advantages of lecture’s method:

· Lectures are a straightforward way to impart knowledge to students quickly.

· Instructors also have a greater control over what is being taught in the classroom.

· Students who are auditory learners find that lectures appeal to their learning style.

· A lecture is often easier to create than other methods of instruction.

· Lecture is a method familiar to most teachers because it was typically the way they were taught.

· Because most college courses are lecture-based, students gain experience in this predominant instructional delivery method.

Disadvantages of lecture’s method:

· Students strong in learning styles other than auditory learning will have a harder time being engaged by lectures.

· Students who are weak in note-taking skills will have trouble understanding what they should remember from lectures.

· Students can find lectures boring causing them to lose interest.

· Students may not feel that they are able to ask questions as they arise during lectures.

· Teachers may not get a real feel for how much students understand because there is not that much opportunity for exchanges during lectures.

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