Monday, January 10, 2011

Self Reflection 1

Today's lecture was discussing on the science and also science education. Defining these two terms was what we begin with. Every group have different point of view on these two terms. From all the point of views, we come to a conclusion that science is 'ASK'. Other than that, we had been told that they were in different domain as will, like psychomotor, affective and also cognitive. Meanwhile, science education is where we instill the thinking skills, knowledge of science, manipulative skills and others to the students so as they could think creatively and critically.

After that, we continue on discussing the national philosophy, national philosophy of education and also national philosophy of science education. Then, we move on to the objectives of science curriculum. There are eleven objectives and from these few objectives, we can divide it into the domains that we discuss previously which are the cognitive, affective and also psychomotor. From what had been discuss, I realize that before any teaching or related courses begin, we will being expose by the philosophy, aims, objectives and others. This shows that the importance of philosophy and other related information regarding the field of education.

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